A Slice of History: How Pizza Became a Worldwide Sensation

Few foods have enjoyed the same widespread popularity as pizza. This dish, which originated in Italy, can now be found in restaurants and homes all over the world. But how did pizza become so popular? Let’s take a look at the history of this beloved food to find out.

The History of Pizza: Ancestors and Relatives

The history of pizza can be traced back to antiquity. In Sardinia, archaeologists have found bread baked more than 7000 years ago! The flatbread was baked in clay ovens by the ancient; 

  • Jews, 
  • Babylonians, 
  • Egyptians, 
  • Greeks. 

And in ancient Rome, the most popular food of peasants and soldiers was focaccia, which translates as ‘bread baked in the hearth’. Focaccia is considered a distant ancestor and relative of pizza. 

Where Did the Name ‘Pizza’ Come From?

That is to say, the word pizza originally had less to do with cooking and more to do with the world of finance and levies. To this day, in Sicily and southern Italy, the word pizzo (from the Sicilian pizzu – beak) is a tribute paid by small businesses to the mafia for “protection”.

According to an etymological dictionary of the Italian language, the word pizza comes from the Latin word pinsere – to grind. 

Other researchers suggest that pizza comes from the Lombard bizzo or pizzo, which means “to eat something in one go or bite”. The word pizza has also been associated in origin with the Greek pitta.

Anyway, today the word pizza is at the top of the list of Italian words with the greatest spread and popularity around the world. 

Naples – the Birthplace of Pizza

The Great Geographical Discoveries played a big role in the history of pizza. After the New World was discovered, tomatoes were brought to Europe from South America. For their bitter taste, tomatoes were considered poisonous and it took two centuries before they were firmly established on the table of Europeans.

Naples can be considered the only real home of pizza. It was here in the seventeenth century that the combination of pizza (flat, oven-baked bread) with tomato sauce and various toppings was born. Workers, who spent most of their time away from home, needed a hearty and cheap meal that could be refreshed on the go. Pizza responded to their needs and quickly became very popular among the common people. 

In 1843, the French writer Alexandre Dumas the father visited Naples during his tour of southern Italy and Sicily and described his impressions in his work “corricolo” (corricolo is the name of an Italian road carriage). According to Dumas, the Neapolitans are not miserable people; they need pizza to be full. The writer also lists a variety of pizza types: 

  • olive oil, 
  • bacon, 
  • anchovies, 
  • tomatoes, 
  • onions, 
  • cheese.

The main toppings for pizza until the end of the 19th century were cheese and lard as the most caloric ingredients.

Another product that was important for the emergence of modern pizza is mozzarella di bufala, which is made from the milk of black domestic buffaloes in the Campania region (the capital is Naples). The mozzarella di bufala differs from mozzarella made with regular cow’s milk because of its delicate consistency and pronounced flavor. It is the only mozzarella used on classic Neapolitan pizza.

How Pizza Spread Around the World

Born in Naples, pizza began its triumphal march around the world. 

In the USA

In the late 19th century, Italians moved en masse to the U.S., and pizza began to conquer other continents. Italian immigrants sold pizza in their shops, and the first pizzeria on American soil opened in 1905 in New York.

Pizzerias opened in all major US cities where Italian immigrants lived – New York, Boston, and Chicago (it even had its Chicago-style pizza). 

The real popularity and ubiquity of the Italian national dish were received after the Second World War when American soldiers visited Italy and “tasted” pizza. And since the late 50s, the era of frozen pizza, which is sold in supermarkets, as well as chain pizzerias such as Pizza Hut and Domino’s Pizza, and home pizza delivery services begins. 

Pizza Nowadays

Today, pizza is enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. It has become one of the most popular foods in the world, with millions of people eating it every day. Whether you like your pizza thin and crispy or thick and chewy, there’s a style out there that you’re sure to enjoy!


Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world for good reason: it’s delicious! This dish has a long and interesting history, dating back to 18th-century Italy. Since then, it has undergone many changes and can now be found all over the globe. So next time you sit down to enjoy a slice (or two), take a moment to appreciate how this humble food has come to be loved by so many people!

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